For the past week, I've been very sick. I don't feel like writing much but I wanted to just give a quick update.
For a few days they didn't know what I had, and then a doctor examined me and said I have tonsillitis. This caused a fever, which has since gone down, and a horrible sore throat and cough, and nausea and stomacheache, and headache and dizziness. I had to cancel my class this week, except for one, and after I taught it I was completely exhausted. Elite has been understanding but wants me to get better. I don't like to disappoint them so I want to be better by Monday.
I've been taking a lot of medicine and resting but still not really feeling better. I feel alright when I'm lying down, but when I get up I feel weak and faint. The tonsillities caused low blood pressure, I guess, so I don't get enough blood going to my head.
This whole thing is very difficult and frustrating. I just want to be better.
2024 Update
11 months ago
Sorry you are down. All that really matters is that you get better. Everything passes with time and you will be back on top again soon, we believe.
We have sent a care package w/some medicines, some goodies, etc. and after checking the tracking today (Saturday) we discovered it has left Ohio! that’s not too bad considering it left Connecticut on Thursday! Next stop Probably Alaska? So much for 3-day Air shipping. Baklava may not be the top of your Hit Parade right now, but maybe your Vietnamese friend may like to try.
Rest, fluids, meds, and rest some more — love Mom, Dad, Sara
Hey Peter! I hope you are feeling better!
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